
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Field Recording

In our class session, I introduced aspects of field recording in early works, such as John Cage and the Barrons' "Williams Mix" and Iannis Xenakis's "Concret PH." I also discussed different techniques used in these two works (Francisco Lopez, "La Selva" and Janet Cardiff, "The Missing Voice"). Finally, I introduced the different uses of soundwalking and field recording in the works of Duncan Speakman, Barry Truax and the World Soundscape Project, Hildegard Westerkamp and the Vancouver Soundwalk Collective, and Annea Lockwood.

More found at:

Robert Henke

Francisco Lopez

Janet Cardiff

Duncan Speakman

Barry Truax

Hildegard Westerkamp

Annea Lockwood

Sonic Acts XIII: Duncan Speakman, "as if it were the last time"

Sonic Acts XIII: Barry Truax

Sonic Acts XIII: Soundwalks, Acoustic Spaces and Field Recordings

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Was looking for something to model vintage tape looping set-ups and came upon the SoundEditor project! Now I'm enjoying this collection of VST plug-ins and working on a dub track!
